Assessment Questions

1. Based on the Lincoln-Douglas debates, how did the views of both men differ on the expansion of slavery, equal rights, and the role of the national government?

2. What were the international implications of southern nationalism?

3. How did Americnas argue that conquering Texas and other parts of Mexico was “extending the area of freedom”?

4. How did southern nationalists justify independence as “freedom” from norther “bondage”?

5. Why was the Civil War considered the first modern war?

6. How did a war to preserve the Union become a war to end slavery?

7. How did the Civil War transform the national economy?

8. What were the military and political turning points of the war?

9. Describe how President Lincoln’s war aims evolved between 1861 and 1863, changing from simply preserving the Union to also ending slavery.

10. What role did blacks play in both winning the Civil War and in defining the war’s consequences?

11. How was the American Civil War part of a global trend toward more destructive and deadly wars?

12. Compare the end of slavery in the US to emancipation elsewhere in the world.

13. Explain how both northern and southern soldiers could claim they were fighting for “freedom” and “liberty.”

14. Explain how both northern and southern governments restricted liberties during the war. HOw were such actions justified?

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